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<Where><Eq><FieldRef Name="CheckoutUser" LookupId="TRUE"/><Value Type="Integer"><UserID/></Value></Eq></Where>
All documents and pages checked out to me in this site and subsites
<Where><Eq><FieldRef Name="Editor" LookupId="TRUE"/><Value Type="Integer"><UserID/></Value></Eq></Where>
All documents and pages last modified by me in this site and subsites
<Where><Eq><FieldRef ID="{fdc3b2ed-5bf2-4835-a4bc-b885f3396a61}"></FieldRef><Value Type="Number">2</Value></Eq></Where>
All documents and pages submitted by me and waiting for approval in this site and subsites
<Where><Or><Eq><FieldRef Name="AssignedTo" LookupId="TRUE"/><Value Type="Integer"><UserID /></Value></Eq><Membership Type="CurrentUserGroups"><FieldRef Name="AssignedTo"/></Membership></Or></Where><OrderBy><FieldRef Name="DueDate"/></OrderBy>
All tasks assigned to me in this site and subsites
<Where><Eq><FieldRef ID="{fdc3b2ed-5bf2-4835-a4bc-b885f3396a61}"></FieldRef><Value Type="Number">3</Value></Eq></Where>
All documents and pages not yet published in this site and subsites
<Where><And><Leq><FieldRef ID="{51d39414-03dc-4bd0-b777-d3e20cb350f7}"></FieldRef><Value Type="DateTime">[Today + 7]</Value></Leq><Geq><FieldRef ID="{51d39414-03dc-4bd0-b777-d3e20cb350f7}"/><Value Type="DateTime"><Today /></Value></Geq></And></Where>
All documents and pages that will be published and visible to readers within the next seven days in this site and subsites
<Where><And><Leq><FieldRef ID="{a990e64f-faa3-49c1-aafa-885fda79de62}"></FieldRef><Value Type="DateTime">[Today + 7]</Value></Leq><Geq><FieldRef ID="{a990e64f-faa3-49c1-aafa-885fda79de62}"/><Value Type="DateTime"><Today /></Value></Geq></And></Where>
All documents and pages that will only be visible to authorized users within the next seven days in this site and subsites
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